location and directions on WGS'84”
- Cartographical location of Bonaire Marina
- Travel: from Port of Valencia to Bonaire Marina
Distance between Port of Valencia and Bonaire Marina is 175,5 Nautical Miles. If our speed was 10 knots, the Estimated Time of Arrival should be 17 hours and 34 minutes.
Then following WayPoints dates of the travel:
nºWP Latitude Longitude Course DTR TTG 1 39º 62.00′ N 000º 16.86´W 76,1º 165,61 16:31:01 2 40º 00.21′ N 003º 12.44′ E 145º 2,5 0:15:00 3 39º 58.16′ N 003º 14.32′ W 216º 7,58 0:45:27 4 39º 52,02´N 003º 08,50´E Caution
During the course 76.1 ° (WP n º 1) caution should be exercised with ships sailing due north coast as they have preference.
Near the island coast is a fishing area so also must respect the maneuver. - Travel: from Port of Palma to Bonaire Marina