Safety measures


 Safety is one aspect of navigation that affects the crew as much as it does the boat. All the safety equipment on your boat should be in perfect condition, in working order and should have their checks and licenses updated so that they can function correctly in case of emergency.

At Marina de Bonaire we use outside services to make sure that safety maintenance and checks are carried out with utmost efficiency.

Navigation zones:

Ocean Navigation zone:

  • Zone 1: unlimited navigation. (Equivalent to the former Zone A.)

High Seas Navigation Zone:

  • Zone 2: Navigation in zone 2 is between the coast and a 60 mile limit, generally a line parallel to the coast, 60 miles away. (Equivalent to the former Zone B.)
  • Zone 3: Navigation in zone 3 is between the coast line and a 25 mile limit, generally parallel to the coast line. (Equivalent to the former Zone B.)

Coastal Navigation Zone:

  • Zone 4: Navigation in zone 4 is between the coast and a 12 mile limit, generally parallel to the coast line. (New.)
  • Zone 5: Navigation in this zone is no more than 5 miles from a harbour or accessible beach. (Equivalent to the former zone D-1.)
  • Zone 6: Navigation in this zone is no more than 2 miles from a harbor or accessible beach. (Equivalent to the former zone D-2)

Protected Waters Zone Navigation:

  • Zone 7: Navigation in protected coastal waters, sheltered bays, inlets, and protected waters in general.


Safety equipment requirements according to zone:

Equipment Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zones 5, 6, 7
Life Raft Enough for 100% of individuals aboard Enough for 100% of individuals aboard Enough for 100% of individuals aboard No No
Life Jacket Enough for 100% of individuals aboard Enough for 100% of individuals aboard Enough for 100% of individuals aboard Enough for 100% of individuals aboard Enough for 100% of individuals aboard
Life preserver (Personal flotation Device) 2 1 1 1 No
Aerial Flares 6 6 6 6
Hand-Held Flares 6 6 6 6 3 (not zone 7)
Smoke Signals 2 2 1 1


Equipment for navegation

Equipment: Zone 1 Zone 2 Zones 3/4 Zones 5/6/7 Requirements and notes
Compass 1 1 1
Zones 1 and 2 with deviation table
Log (patent log) 1 1

Alternatively GPS
Sextant 1

Astronomical navigation tables
Chronometer 1

Drawing compass 1 1

Protractor 1 1

40 cm ruler 1 1

Binoculars 1 1 1

Maps and books 1 1 1
For the area in which you are navigating
Fog horn 1 1 1 1 Compressed-gas permitted
Barometer 1 1

Bell 1 1 1

National flag 1 1 1 1
Flags for signalling 1 1

Flags C and N at a bare minimum
Fixed lantern or light 2 2 1
On stanchion, rail, handrail; have extra bulb and batteries on hand
Logbook 1

Signalling mirror 1 1 1 1
Radar reflector 1 1 1
On vessels with non-metal hull
Recent copy of International Code of Signals 1 1 1 1 If radio communications apparatus is aboard


Mooring Lines

Length (m) Weight of anchor (kg) Diameter of chain Diameter of mooring line
3 3.5 6 10
5 6 6 10
7 10 6 10
9 14 8 12
12 20 8 12
15 33 10 14
18 46 10 14
21 58 12 16
24 75


Various fitting-out equipment

  • Emergency tiller or helm for sailboats with sails and only one engine, except in the case that the engine is stern drive or outboard engine
  • Two mooring lines
  • Boathook
  • First-aid kit


Fitting out equipment by zone

Equipment Zones 1, 2, 3 Zones 4, 5, 6 Zone 7
Pump 1 manual and 1 mechanical 1 1 manual or electric (*see note below)
Buckets 2 1



*Zone 7 and with a vessel of less than 6 metres in length and with buoyancy tubes does not require more than one scoop.

On sa ilboats intended for zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 at least one pump should be manual and fixed permanently.   It should be operable from the engine compartment, even with all the hatches and access to the interior cut off.


Capacity of pumps at a pressure of 10 kPa:

a)       10 litres per minute for a vessel with a length less than or equal to 6 metres

b)      15 litres per minute for a vessel with a length between 6 and 12 metres

c)       30 litres per minute for a vessel with a length greater than or equal to 12 metres


Waste regulations

  • Port waters, inlets and bays:  No type of dumping is permitted, not even with treatment.
  • Up to 4 miles from the coast: Permitted with treatment; dumping of solids prohibited.
  • Between 4 and 12 miles from the coast: sifted and disinfected waste is permitted. To unload the tank the speed of the boat should be greater than 4 knots.
  • More than 12 miles from the coast: Permitted under any conditions. To unload the tank the speed of the boat should be greater than 4 knots.


We carry out the following services in relation to safety and safety equipment: